Ning style mooncakes

Ning style mooncake is a traditional mooncake produced in Ningbo, Zhejiang, known for its unique production process and taste. Here is a detailed introduction to Ning style mooncakes:一、 History and O

        Ning style mooncake is a traditional mooncake produced in Ningbo, Zhejiang, known for its unique production process and taste. Here is a detailed introduction to Ning style mooncakes:
1、 History and Origin
        Ning style mooncakes have a long history, but the specific origin time is not accurately recorded. From the reference article, we can learn that Ning style mooncakes retain the traditional Ningbo flavor and have become a classic in Ningbo's Mid Autumn Festival cuisine.
2、 Variety and classification
        There are a wide variety of Ning style mooncakes with different flavors, which can be mainly classified into the following categories:
1、Classified by taste: sweet, salty, and salty sweet. Sweet flavors such as roses, date puree, sesame, white sugar, etc; Salty dishes such as three fresh meat mooncakes, ham mooncakes, etc.
2、Divided by filling: there are five kernels, bean paste, rock sugar, sesame, ham mooncakes, etc. Among them, "Moss Stripe Mooncake" is a representative of Ning style mooncakes, using high-quality winter moss strips as filling, with a unique taste.
3、Divided by pastry crust: there are three major categories: milk crust, mixed sugar crust, and pastry crust. The crust of Ning style mooncakes is usually harder and has similarities with Su style mooncakes.
3、 Production process
        The production process of Ning style mooncakes requires strict control from material selection to production. For example, the production of "moss strip mooncakes" requires selecting high-quality winter moss strips as filling, and then pairing them with sesame oil, sesame, melon seed kernels, peach kernels and other fillings to create a spicy and salty taste. The taste is delicious, crispy and fragrant, with a sweet and salty taste, and a salty and translucent taste.
4、 Representative varieties
1、Moss Mooncake: Using moss as an auxiliary ingredient for filling, high-quality winter moss is selected and mixed with various fillings to create a spicy and salty taste. The taste is exquisite, soft, and white.
2、Ham mooncake: filled with white sugar and diced ham, the finished product has a light aroma and is not greasy. The filling is multi flavored and has the unique flavor of Ning style mooncakes.
5、 Food culture
        As a traditional food in Ningbo, Ning style moon cakes are not only popular during the Mid-Autumn Festival, but also become a cultural card in Ningbo. In Ningbo, people usually eat Ning style moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, which means reunion and happiness.
        In summary, Ning style mooncakes have become one of the best in traditional Chinese mooncakes due to their unique production techniques, rich flavors, and profound cultural connotations.

